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Financial Wellness

    • February 13, 2025
    • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
    • William Reif Gallery
    • 10

    Thursday, February 13

    5:30–7:00 pm

    Presenter: Midland State Bank Representative

    Having trouble or stress navigating basic financial tools? Financial literacy is imperative to economic empowerment, so Womanspace has partnered with professionals at Midland Bank to help guide you through some basics. Learn about how to work with financial institutions to manage personal finances, grow wealth, and safeguard money; disucssing the variety of account types available, and how to open a simple account. Participants will also learn about what a credit score is, its importance, how to read a credit report, and about tools to maintain a healthy credit score and repair bad credit.

    Registration REQUIRED by Feb 11
    Minimum Registration: 3
    • March 05, 2025
    • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
    • William Reif Gallery
    • 10

    Wednesday, March 5

    5:30–7:00 pm

    Presenter: Jenny Redington

    Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? You will learn the essential skills to create and maintain a budget that works for you. Learn how to track income and expenses, set financial goals and make informed spending decisions.

    Registration REQUIRED by Mar 3
    Minimum Registration: 3

    • March 27, 2025
    • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
    • William Reif Gallery
    • 10

    Thursday, March 27

    5:30–7:00 pm

    Presenter: Jenny Redington

    What’s your first memory of money? In this forum, we will unpack and discuss how emotions influence our decisions around finances. How we can use the power of mindfulness and meditation in financial decision making and overall improving your relationship with the almighty dollar.

    Registration REQUIRED by Mar 25
    Minimum Registration: 3

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