Use Your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) to Donate to WomanspaceIf you are an IRA owner and age 70 ½ or older, you can take advantage of a provision in the tax code that allows you to make a direct transfer to a qualified charity in any amount up to $100,000 without having to pay income taxes on the distribution. This is an important advantage for a charitably minded IRA owner who doesn’t need his or her required minimum distribution (RMD) for living expenses. Bear in mind you cannot claim the qualified distribution as a charitable tax deduction since you are receiving the benefit of the amount being excluded from your taxable income. However, in deciding to avail yourself of this opportunity, you enjoy three appealing advantages: You satisfy the removal of the required minimum distribution from your IRA, you pay no income taxes on the amount and you help support the programs and mission of Womanspace. If you are interested in helping Womanspace in this way, please request a check from your IRA made payable directly to Womanspace. Thank you! |
This past September, Womanspace moved gently into its 49th year of “holding the center” for all who form this energetic community. For some, Womanspace is a home-away-from-home; for others, a place of learning, skill-building and service. For some, it is a dynamic spiritual center — a launch pad for creative projects. For all, Womanspace is a beautiful place of retreat that enriches the heart of the Rockford community. The energy emanating from Womanspace is palpable. People experience it daily. Even our members and friends in other parts of the world contribute to and receive the heart-energy of this place. Long-time friends seek it; new visitors are often astonished by it. Above all, Womanspace is a community. As people emerge from pandemic isolation, the longing for community is obvious and unequivocal. Here, people find both new and renewed friendships, take part in conversations that matter, share in meaningful service, and contribute in significant ways to the common good of our local and global community. New ideas and initiatives are welcome at Womanspace; they keep us fresh! Can you imagine a Rockford without the stimulus, support, peace, comfort, and focus that Womanspace provides? Are you aware that many physicians, pastors, therapists, attorneys, and friends direct people here for the health and healing of their minds, bodies and spirits? Have you ever had the privilege of seeing young people in recovery walking our labyrinth with their counselors? Can you sense the close relationship that our volunteer gardeners have with Mother Earth in tending her beauty for the benefit on all? Have you seen the light in the eyes of a beginning student whose art work is exhibited in our gallery for the first time? Have you attended a wedding or memorial service in our exquisite forest sanctuary? These and many other transformative processes take place at Womanspace all year long, This is a vital place of healing and enrichment for all. If these things are important to you, your generous gift can help Womanspace remain a vital community resource. Your contribution signals your belief in our mission to connect, empower, create and transform our world, one woman — one person — at a time. Please give as generously as you can! In whatever way you respond to this request, be prepared for our heartfelt thanks! Today, more than ever, we need one another. |