Interview with Elizabeth Priller
What are 4 words that best describe you?
Authentic, compassionate, spirit-filled, perseverant
You teach fitness, nutrition and holistic wellness, what is one vital piece of advice you would give to someone looking to transform their life by getting in better shape?
It is imperative to take inventory of what a person is allowing in their life. Nutrition is more than what we eat and fitness is more than how we move. Overall wellness is grounded in the simple practice of filtering out what makes us unwell (unhealthy foods, environmental toxins, negative thoughts, lack of balance, poor quality sleep, or noxious relationships and work environments).
What is your routine as it relates to health and wellness?
I love my wellness routine! With autoimmune conditions, my health is not perfect on this side of heaven, but I have realized what makes me feel the most “well”. For me, peace and balance is imperative! I start every morning with tea, devotions, prayer, meditation, and cleansing and moisturizing my face with my own line of natural skin care, Hudson Avery Naturals (available on my website, www.elizabethpriller.com) I work out 5 days a week, always starting and ending with yoga. My heavy weightlifting days have been replaced with resistance bands, biking, interval training, and yoga. No need to squat 305# anymore! Additionally, hydration and nutrition are balanced as well. I aim to drink 1.5 L of water per day, drinking at least 4-5 cups of tea per day, and eating every 2-3 hours of plant-based nutrition. Lastly, I end my day very similarly to how it begins, and recharging with an 8:30 pm bedtime and 4-6 sleep cycles per night.
In "Overcoming Knockouts", you will tell your story including some of the challenges you have faced and how you persevered and grew as an individual. Can you share an example of something that challenged you immensely, how you dealt with it and what you learned?
Absolutely! One of the most challenging seasons was when I was 18, raising my infant daughter alone, working three part-time jobs, living alone, and attending college full-time. I didn’t have a car, so I had to stand at the gas station in my hometown and wait for someone who was driving past the college (about 10 miles away). I remember my first tax statement for that year, I made around $2,500. Through all of that, I never missed a day of college and graduated from nursing school at the age of 19. At the time, I never really thought “how am I going to do this?” Instead, I just did it day by day, doing what it took to accomplish the goal. When I look back, I cannot believe I made it! I often think about that season when I am facing difficulties and trials. I attribute my faith in God that has gotten me through all of my battles and hurdles.
Do you have any hobbies?
I love flying airplanes, traveling, and spending time alone in the places I travel. I also enjoy the visual and musical arts, whether performing myself or observing the talent of others.
What are 3 books you would recommend?
How We Die, by Dr. Sherwin Nuland
The Blue Zones, Second Edition: 9 Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest, Dan Buettner
The Bible
At your lowest point, what is the advice you would give yourself looking back?
Pain is not eternal. In the dark times, look around you to those who love you, and the strength and perseverance in your spirit that has carried you. Although our bodies are important to keep healthy as long as possible, they are merely the vessels of the essence of who we are. The decisions we make our first 30 years is the groundwork for what we deal with in the next 30 years. You will not “arrive” on the mountaintop and stay there. There will be valleys, potholes, rainstorms, sunny days, peaks, barrenness, and abundance. Hence are the seasons of life.
Learn more about Elizabeth's inspiring story at her program, "Survive to Thrive", on Thursday, January 12, 6-7:30 pm : http://womanspace-rockford.org/event-3651249 or on Wednesday, February 5, 12- 1:30 pm: http://womanspace-rockford.org/event-3651248