Saturday, March 29 (RESCHEDULED from Saturday, February 22) 9:30a–11:30a
Facilitator: Marge Blake
On this Day, Girl Scouts and Girl Guides in over 150 countries around the world gather together to make a difference on a global level by celebrating World Thinking Day. Each year there is a different theme, such as helping the environment, fighting poverty, achieving gender equality, or making sure everyone has access to education. This year, Girl Scouts and Girl Guides everywhere will honor their global community by doing activities around the theme: Our Story: Reflecting the symbolism and values of our Movement. We will complete all four steps to earn the World Thinking Day award. We will Explore by taking a deeper dive into the origin of WTD, Experience a different culture, Investigate our Super Hero Powers, and Share/commit to a better future.
Troops can come with their leaders or girl scouts can come with their parents. Daisy, Brownie, and Juniors only. Space is limited so sign up soon!
$22 per registered Girl Scout. Enter your scouts name and troop number in the registration form.
Register by March 27
In Girl Scouts you are part of a special group of girls that stretches across the world. Girl Scouts and Girl Guides from 150 countries celebrate World Thinking Day. World Thinking Day is a way to celebrate with girls all over the world by doing the same activities. The 2019 World Thinking Day theme is "Leadership". Earn your World Thinking Day badge by participating in our celebration! We will play some games, explore other countries, and create a dove origami.
Come be a part of a special group of girls that stretches across the world and celebrate World Thinking Day. The theme for 2020 is "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion". We will be doing activities that follow the specific guidelines to earn your official World Thinking Day badge at Womanspace. We will play an inclusion game, make a DEI collage (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) and complete a Take Action project by identifying a problem, coming up with a sustainable solution and putting our plan into action. Then we will celebrate!
Troops can come with their leaders or girl scouts can come with their parents.
$13 per registered Girl Scout; badge included.
Womanspace is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Gift Cards
Womanspace, Inc., 3333 Maria Linden Drive, Rockford, IL 61114-5481 | Phone: 815-877-0118
Office Hours: Monday–Thursday 10:00 am– 5:00 pm